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Publicity Project For Resources Recycling Achievement

In accordance with “the Four-In-One Resources Recycling Program ” and through this promotion project, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan utilized media instruments such as special reports, in-depth interviews and advertisement filming and held a country-wide open contest on fashionable creative environmental product design to share with the public the achievements, experiences and principles of actively implementing waste reduction and resources recycling policies. Through media publicity campaigns and other promotional activities,the EPA hoped to bring people’s attention to related environmental topics and help them understand the true benefits of resources recycling. Regarding media topics planning, the focus was on “Environmental Living”, “Environmental Localization” and “Environmental Economy” as main themes. It was to show the resource recycling rate had increased substantially through 1997 implementation of “Resources Recycling Four-In-One Plan”, and had increased by even a greater margin after 2006 due to implementation of mandatory waste sorting policy. It conveyed that through experience-sharing of the private sector and implementation of governmental policies, the resources recycling and operation system in this country was reaching its maturity and had effectively raised the national recycling volume. With respect to advertisement filming and broadcasting, the main creative concept “Have you done something good to the environment today?” was incorporated to encourage the public to do good things for the environment everyday and to deepen the concept of environmental living in people’s mind and daily habits. For the advertisement filming, the team also invited the resource recycling spokesman Lin Yi Jie to be in the show and talk about his personal experiences. All above were intended to present the beneficial results achieved by promoting resources recycling in Taiwan to the international community. With regard to the one-million award contest on fashionable creative environmental product design, the event was publicly announced by sending advertising posters to designing department staff and students of 30 universities and colleges nationwide through the assistance of counties’ and cities’ environmental protection bureaus (EPB’s). After screening and evaluation procedures, 22 articles were selected as excellent works (12 in the practical category and 10 in the creative category). They were commended and given monetary award. In addition, the winning works were also placed on exhibition in Taipei Youth Activity Center to bring about more benefits from organizing this creative contest event. Publicity for this event was further maximized by advertising through online communities and links during the event.
Recycling Effect ,Imagination , Environmental Protection